O jornal americano Huffington Post fez uma lista com dez lugares incríveis para fazer voluntariado pelo mundo e a Kanindé está na lista!


“I wish I could travel, but this is sooooo expensive”.

How many times have you heard this one… Just this week… Seriously?
I know this is a time of crisis and unemployment, but I’m sick and tired of the oldcan’t travel tune. Fact is the latter has the advantage of giving you a lot of spare time, while the former should make you creative on how to spend your money and gain meaningful experiences. In other words, they’re just excuses. So let’s be done with it once and for all. I’ve created this list of 10 crazily cool places that are waiting for you to knock at the door to give you love, a shelter, food, unique social experiences and a lifetime opportunity you will not forget anytime soon. All of this for FREE. You don’t believe me? Then check it out by yourself, my friend.
Confira a matéria completa aqui

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